Here's another interesting find from EBay. An alien Troll doll with a ray gun. And he's not green he's all silver! Now this is definitely a unique one.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Not All Trolls Are Created Equal - A Short
Here's another stop-motion short. Ok! so this one is really violent towards the end. If you can't handle blood and body parts then I suggest you stop watching it around 3:50. As I mentioned in my earlier posts, there are evil trolls and then there are the cute and ugly trolls. Basically if you're a troll that is found to have red blood, then you are considered to be a conspirator with the human race and thus punished and destroyed. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happens to the Troll doll in this short and I think you can imagine the rest! In terms of animation, you can tell the artist worked really hard on the details and it is certainly one of the good animation works I have seen on the topic of trolls so far.
CAUTION: Extreme Troll Violence. Not intended for little ones.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Grow Troll Hair!
I was so excited to find these offensive Rocker Trolls that have the Chia pet thing going on but unfortunately they have been discontinued. Too bad, it would have been fun to watch these trolls grow their hair. You can see their names as Grungy, Flippy and Gropey. Apparently they each came with their name tattooed on their behind! haha. They also came with an acorn or leaf hat to wear once they lost their hair. Interesting how they got hats to cover their bald heads but what about their naked bodies? :) How about some armpit pants like that surfer Troll had on?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Edvard Grieg - March Of The Trolls Lyrical Pieces Op.54 No. 3 - Troldtog (March of the Trolls)
Seriously guys, do Troll dolls actually bring good luck? Riiight! so are you saying, my slipping over a banana peel was just a coincidence? Well you know, as usual I needed some answers so i did a little digging around and found this video. Its like they knew I was going to ask this question! So what is it? Fact or Fiction? You'll just have to watch this video to find out. :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
All ready to celebrate St. Patty's day :)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Raise Your Glasses!
Don't just raise any glasses, raise these unique Troll doll ones! Aren't they just cute? These are Troll Doll Pint glasses but you can drink whatever you want in them and still have fun!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Little monkey! you remind me of a Troll doll. You're a mess my friend. What kind of a fashion statement is this? What? did you say you don't even have time to scratch your head. Yeah, but I'm sure you have time to scratch your friend's head. Good excuse monkey! but this is the real world, and in the real world people comb their hair. Stop being such a rebel and go comb!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Guys I just can't stop laughing! This has to be seriously the worst acting job ever. It's a scene from Troll 2 (1990). It's all about the evil Trolls and was meant to be horror but all I see is horrible comedy. This movie will never be on my list but if you want to keep laughing then forward through the following montage clip. Do check out the scene around 3:10 when the father is running down the hall and giving a speech on hospitality! It's hilarious. Also check out the dance sequence around 4:56, What is she doing? I really don't know what they were thinking.
TROLL 2 Montage
Friday, March 13, 2009
It's Friday the 13th...
Oooh It's Friday the 13th and It's time for something SCARY. I wanted to show you guys this really scary video but now I can't find it! In any case, no worries here's a Troll doll, gone a little "Psycho" and it's scarrryyy! By the way today is also my sister's B-day, who just loves horror movies. So little sis this one is for you!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
All Ready for Spring Break!
This cool Troll doll is all ready for Spring Break but are YOU ready for one? I know I am!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Troll Dolls Fight Evil!
I always wondered if these tiny Troll dolls could protect themselves from a ninja! Well thanks to this fun video, i just got my questioned answered. Let me tell you these Troll dolls really know how to fight some evil! But then is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle really evil? Haha. I love those guys!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Troll Doll Stroller!
I know you always wanted one! And it's all good unless, you want to look like a crazy running around town with a very tiny stroller on your behind. Sorry to break it to you but this one is purely for the Troll dolls or anything the size of a baby. So while you walk, thousands of miles, your Troll doll can have the time of its life. It even comes with a poppy red cushion. How lovely, something nice and soft for those tiny bottoms.
Well of course we're going to wish Barbie doll a happy birthday whether the Trolls really like it or not. After all, It is her 50th birthday! I know Trolls and Barbie have had an ongoing strange relationship, at least in this blog's world. First mini Trolls got boxed with her, then the Trolls tried to cook Barbie and now she wants to play with their hair. It's all very crazy! I really sense a little bit of love hate relationship thing going on here. In any case we need to respect the fact that she's fifty and looks forever young. I think I speak on behalf of Mr. Purple Hair Troll and the rest of the Troll community when I say Barbie, please share your secret youth recipe. You will give these Trolls a chance to look less ugly and more cute.
To celebrate Barbie's birthday, we will go back in time and see this amazing commercial on Troll Barbie! Where Barbie has gone Troll crazy and wants to mix and match Troll hair. If I tried to snatch away people's hair or let's say wigs, I would most likely get punched in the face! What are your thoughts? on Barbie? her birthday? or the complex Troll and Barbie relationship?
I know you guys are thinking the same thing, What!? Trolls love shoes but they don't even wear shoes! The answer is yes and no. The Ugly cute little troll dolls don't wear anything. It's true, I mean they're always naked. Well ok sometimes they have clothes on but some I did see with just the shoes and I'm not sure what the point is there. In any case, this video is all about the really ugly evil trolls. You know the kind in the Trolls horror movie, ok maybe that's too ugly but you get the point. Check it out, It involves, ugly giant evil trolls, lots of shoes and a fun shoe song.
Caution: Profane Language!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Meet The Trolls Band
I am just amazed at all these Troll videos out there! Well this one is really cute. It's a behind the scene look at the band "The Trolls." Check out their concert towards the end. Their song "Troll Power" rocks, although I wish I could hear their hit single "I Wanna Comb Your Hair" as well. I like the fans dancing around too. One thing I don't get though are the long hands of the fans in the front of the stage. Since when did Troll dolls start having really long hands? haha
Friday, March 6, 2009
Troll Doll Eyeglass Case!
Well what do you think? Interesting, Isn't it? My only problem is reaching inside the monster looking Troll doll's mouth to get my glasses! Those teeth look a little sharp don't you think?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Chicks, you have an uncanny resemblance to Troll Doll hair! Who did this to you? Were you being bad? or were you trying to look like a Troll Doll? Why would you do this to yourself? Answer me! Aww you're too cute and colorful so It's ok, hey wait a minute. So this is how it works. You know I get distracted by colorful and sparkly things!
Oh God I'm talking to colorful chicks and that's not ok but hey while I ponder upon that, why don't you guys check out the following image. Observe and Enjoy!
By the way Thanks to the friend who brought the chicks to my attention and if you're seriously interested in the real story of the chicks, just click on the image.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Dr. Troll and The Pillsbury Dough Boy - A SHORT
An Interesting short animation I came across. Check it out!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
"Collect them before they Collect YOU!"
Ok so did they want the kids to buy the Trolls or run for their lives? Hmm...I don't know what to say. This must have been traumatizing for a lot of kids.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Is That Mr. Purple Hair?
"Oh No! Mr. Purple Hair got kidnapped!" Seriously? Yes, that's exactly what my first reaction was as well friends. But have no fear Mr. Purple Hair is near. In fact, he panicked and screamed along with me and then we saw each other and screamed a little more! But wait, Chimps like Trolls Dolls? When did this happen? I would think they would be screaming with fear but I guess this Chimp really likes playing with Mr. Purple Hair look-alike. Then again, Troll dolls are a little more cute than the evil Trolls. I'm curious to know what an animal's toy collection these days include, especially the ones in the Zoo? Any thoughts?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Troll Museum is so GROOVY!
Somehow I'm not surprised to find out that there is a Troll museum out there. After all, we have a museum for every possible thing you can imagine. Some of the very bizarre ones include the Toilet museum, Burger museum, Hair museum, Shoe Museum and the Nut Museum, as in the nuts you eat and not the crazies. So hey, why not a Troll museum. This lovely lady had so many Trolls that she decided to open up a museum. I have a lot of books! so could I open up a book museum? It's interesting, especially when she talks about using one of her Norfin Trolls to store change. She took the head off but then she couldn't put it back on. Poor Troll doll must have been mortified. No wonder they get nasty at times. Speaking of which, she wonders as to why people are afraid of the Troll dolls. Well lady, have you ever watched Trolls horror film (1986)? yeah Ok so they're not the traditional Troll dolls but they are definitely the evil nasty really distant cousins of these cute but ugly dolls.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Perfect Yard Sign
Finally! a perfect gift for all those evil people who torture young and old. The ones who refuse to return any kind of items that may cross their royal threshold. This great yard sign will help you in two ways. One, it will tell you that the evil person living inside the house is really an evil troll. So you should play really bad that day and don't give anything your best shot. Second, it will inform you that he or she will keep your ball so bring more than one!
Yup they're at it again but this time it's more funny, and not at all disturbing! So lean back, grab a drink and watch this cute video by TheElectricBananas.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Hola amigos! How's everyone? I know some of you are still a little disturbed by my last post so I thought I go a little easy this time. So, you want to know something cool? Mr. Purple Hair found a little book inside the Cheerios cereal box! Yes, Isn't It fun? I think It's a lot of fun, especially if It's a bilingual (English and Spanish) story book! Although, we couldn't find the book at first :( After all, the sign "Book Inside" pointing to the actual book was kind of small. ;) I personally liked it when it used to be more of a mystery. Ooh look inside to find the mystery toy or dump the box, there's a surprise. Ok, they really didn't say that but you get the flow. So what did you guys find in the cereal box? I remember, little spoons, stickers, watches, mini cars, candy bars, Gremlins and the two headed Troll dolls! Ok fine, minus the last two but you have to admit that would have been a true surprise and a lot of fun!
Barbie Doll Roast - Yikes!
I know you're most probably thinking, wow this time she's gone really dark! But seriously guys It's not me. It's those nasty Trolls. I may not be fond of Barbies, but I still prefer Ramen noodles over Barbie roast! Yes I know, It's a little disturbing. Ok maybe more than a little. But hey, get use to it because I have some more shocking stuff coming your way. Aha! and you thought all Trolls were sweet and innocent. Such is not the case my friends. By the way, I'm still trying to understand how they manage to set all this up without setting themselves on fire! Woah now that would have been quite a Stew!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Another Troll Doll Cartoon
Hi guys! I came across this old action figures commercial and it seems like these were based on Troll dolls as well. This is a commercial for "Stone Protectors" action figures. Anyone knows anything about this one? My guess is that this was the Troll cartoon for boys? It seems quite obvious but hey I could be wrong. Interesting, for some reason I don't remember this one at all. Who knows maybe I was watching "Thundercats" or "Transformers" or something while this was on. Maybe that's why i missed it. I think the good part is that they are all really cool warrior looking rockers and have their hair all trimmed up. The bad part is that they are all warrior looking rockers who have their hair all trimmed up! haha. I think one day I'll have to do a compare sheet between this and "Trollz" to see which one is more exciting or annoying.
Here's the Intro I think.
Two Headed Troll Doll
I saw this " very rare two headed" Troll doll on eBay and I had to share it with you guys. WOW! I guess anything is possible then why not a two headed troll doll! What do you guys think?
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Barbie & Troll = Power Combo!
First of all look at it, tiny little cute Troll doll next to or on top of (ok that sounds wrong but you know what i mean) giant Barbie doll. Actually it looks kind of scared but what a combo! I know some of you hate Barbie dolls but that's ok you can toss the Barbie and keep the mini Troll doll. For those of you who like Barbie, you can just sell the mini on ebay or something. Please do not throw the mini Troll out, he does not deserve it. Although some of you might disagree , yes YOU i know you tried to put your troll doll's hair on fire! looking the other way doesn't help, I can still see you. Now for those of you who love them both, it can't get better! Come on, you have to agree that this is truly a power combo!
Hello everyone! So one of you wanted to know if there were any cartoons on Troll dolls. Well, I found this one called "Trollz." You might remember it? I think I kind of do remember this one. It's based on the troll dolls, so they don't exactly look like the original dolls but the hair thing is there for sure.
Here's a clip. Apparently, one of the "BFFL" Topaz is possessed! No, seriously she is! Those darn Gremlins! Check it out.
They even have an official music video called "It's a Hair Thing" OMG, No Waaay, It's so COOL!!
But my favorite is this Spanish version. Me gusta mucho.
Friday, February 20, 2009
The Treehouse Troll Family
I don't know about you guys but I have never heard of "The Treehouse Troll" movies. When did this happen? and what is this? Those eyes, Oh my God! I just kept on staring and started singing along, It was really scary. They go "We are Treehouse kids and we aren't very big." Are they kidding me? I mean have they seen themselves in the mirror lately. I had to find out more, so i searched, and I found this very interesting article on "The Treehouse Trolls." Here's the link, BUT FIRST! prepare yourself and check out the video. Happy Friday!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
What a Day!
Well it started out as a not so bad day. I had a field trip to the Glamour Magazine. It was great, there was water, food, and brownies. I was happy, Mr. Purple Hair Troll was happy and then I came back to my place! There was no water and I was like Ok, don't panic, it has to come back soon and yes it did. Well after a couple of hours and some scary noises from the pipes, it sure did come back. Phew! But then all of a sudden, the flush went into a flushing mode. As in, it won't stop! This sudden never-ending cyclonic flush sound really freaked Mr. Purple Hair Troll out. He was not happy and I was not happy either. I ran like a crazy person in search of the super but instead found this nice old man. He came and spent quite a long time trying to fix the problem. Although every time I asked him, he would say "no problem!" "no problem!" followed by "I don't know" I was really confused, and wished I knew some Polish or whatever his language was, yes that would have been really nice. In any case, he finally fixed it but as soon as he left , it started all over again! So by this time I was late and I couldn't really take it anymore so I just left. Well I just came back and somehow the problem has disappeared! I don't want to know anymore and I'm sure you don't either. So how about just relaxing a little bit and checking out some music and dancing Trolls.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Mr. Purple Hair Troll's Album
I thought you guys would like to see some pictures from Mr. Purple Hair Troll's album. These are a few from his adventure in MI in the cold of December. Although, he didn't get out much, I on the other hand got to shovel a lot of snow! yes, it was a lot of fun. Nothing excites me more then wearing a monkey cap and dancing with a shovel in the snow! Especially if the cap is bright orange...I think I might have scared my neighbors. You'll notice that Mr. Purple Hair Troll got really excited when he saw sweets everywhere. Let me tell you, the cupcakes were amazing and that Chocolate cake is one of the best, well after this one special Mocha Chocolate Chip Cake. I'll have to share a picture of that with you guys soon.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A Troll Kind of Morning...
Guys, I’m in a deep thought. I’m thinking about how it must be like to get ready every morning if you got hair like a Troll! Always out of control…Uhum, I think we’ve all had those mornings, right? So what’s up with the Troll’s hair anyway? Have they ever heard of a straightener? I personally don’t like ironing up my hair to a pulp, but hey some people are really good at it, no seriously. You know who you are! Yes, you with the nice, smooth, and shiny hair. I know it’s not natural, ok. Seriously guys what’s not natural are these crazy Troll dolls bright hair colors, where do they get all these neon colors anyway? In any case, going back to my deep thought about a Troll's morning, I actually found an answer to my thought. These good people have made a really fun video on their Troll dolls morning. Check it out!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Wish Stones
So do you guys remember the sparkly belly button troll dolls! Yeah the ones with the wish stone? Yes? No? Oh I see you’re trying to block them out of your memory hmm…well no worries, let me give you a blast from the past.
Now do you remember the secret hidden jewels? I mean seriously how is it a secret? I guess it’s the part where you were shocked into a sparkle as you went to change your Troll doll’s clothes. So sad, that they didn’t giggle in real. We would have all laughed with them. I know, you’re thinking wow; I can’t believe I wished on a plastic sparkly jewel! and you thought all your wishes would come true? Didn’t you? Personally if I had giggling Troll dolls popping out from under my sheets, I would say run! The bed has been infested with mini Chucky demonic Troll dolls!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Something Scary
Mr. Purple Hair has been thinking about his failed attempt to watch a movie last night. You see, we wanted to watch a movie but all the shows were sold out! It was pure madness, how can every show be sold out? What nonsense, especially all the horror movies? Isn’t V Day about love? Mr. Purple Hair thought it was scary that everyone was watching “Friday The 13th” on Valentine’s Day!
You know what’s scary in my opinion is this image of the Zombie Troll Doll. WARNING! This is quite graphic so if you can’t handle intestines popping out then this is not for you.
The artist is a Horror doll converter. He takes dolls of all kinds and converts them in to something evil. AHH, why didn’t I ever think of this before!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
YEAY!, the day that brings out the extreme in us. Don't you just love that? You know it causes some of us to have some really extreme emotions as in "I hate red aisles, I mean why are they red, seriously?" "Why is it red everywhere, it's like blood or something, ugghh." I guess some of us are still scared from walking down the extreme pink Barbie isles. Something about one solid color for an aisle, it can be nauseating. Some of us are just really happy and in love. "Aww, i love red aisle's, they are so full of love, passion... aww a heart shaped candy box, so sweet." " brought red flowers and a red teddy, have i told you lately how much i love." And some of us are just confused. "I hate this red aisle, but i love the heart shaped candies, YUM!"
Well, I say it's time for a change! how about a day of Laughs? We tell each other jokes and laugh all day! This will be a better use of our extreme emotions. Don't you think? In any case, whether you're laughing or crying today, there's nothing better then a Troll jingle to make your day! So here is Jimmy Fallon and his Troll jingles. Enjoy!
AND for some extra laughs, check out the Troll impressions!
Happy V-day! everyone :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Dam Troll Monkey $800!
No my friends this is not a joke, seriously! All the way from Denmark, this 1960s Dam (named after its creator) doll is the real deal! I guess they got less ugly and a little more cute with time or maybe not? So if you’re looking to invest in something ugly and cute then let it be Troll dolls. I found this one on eBay for only $800. Hmm…I wonder if there are more expensive Troll dolls out there. Anyone?
Name: Purple Half Cut Burnt Hair Troll DOB: Somewhere in the U.S.A Current Sighting: In the Khan family residence Known for: Mysteriously appearing out of nowhere Hobby: Traveling
People, this is a Troll call! So what’s your story?